Saturday, January 30, 2010

DRESSING right for THAT job

Now that we are done with the facial part of our appearance alteration, we shall touch on the dressing.

However, I should remind you that be it the dress, the make-up or the accessories, what you choose should take into account the following:

1. Aesthetics (Flattering)
You should wear only things that makes you look good. For example, you may want your suits specially altered so that it will flatter your body shape and fits you best. You should also coordinate the colors of what you are wearing.

2. Appropriateness
Use your imagination. Does what you wear complement the occasion, the time of day, the location, climate, culture and expectation of the people you will meet? If you are unsure of what to wear, ask those who are going to the same occasion as you and match what most of them will be wearing. One good example of the trouble you will get into if you do not follow this golden rule can be seen in the picure below.

(Anyone feeling windy?)

3. Attitude
Since you have spent so much time on your grooming, be confident about how you look. What you wear should also reflect your personality and position. Have the right attitude for the right occasion.


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